The Inner Continent, Perfection of Concordance, is roughly the size of Asia, encircling a frigid glacier at the centre of the world. The climate is mostly temperate, becoming warmer towards the outer edge where in some parts it becomes Mediterranean. The Empire of Splendour, on the southern quarter of the continent, is shielded from the cold of the Glacier by the Throne of Heaven Mountains. On the other hand the Tlaxu Steppes, lacking any mountainous protection, are a cold tundra.

The magic practiced by the people of Perfection tends to be formal and ritualised. This is because Concordance "crystallises" magical energy into particular patterns. In order for a magician to unlock the energies he or she must perform actions that "resonate" with the magical patterns. This is a laborious process, but it has the advantage that once certain resonance are known, they can be used in different arrangements to create related effects.

The Empire of Splendour
The Ever Expanding Rays of the Divine Light of Splendour is one of the oldest civilisations on Perfection. Once the Empire ruled many of the Inner Islands and a large part of the Perfection. Now, top heavy bureaucracy, a slavish devotion to tradition and rebellion in the provinces have caused the Empire to collapse into itself. Its customs, language and discoveries have found their way into many other cultures.

The Anhuine States
The great Anhui River forms the eastern border of the Empire of Splendour. The many states along the river were once Imperial Provinces but have now forged their own identity. For some, the process of independence has proved diffiuclt, leading to internal wars. Others have found prosperity. The port city of Llaza has risen in importance since it is home to the Merchant's League, a mercantile power that has overtaken the Empire as a world power.

The Tlaxu Steppe
Much of the eastern quarter of Perfection is taken up with this inhospitable tundra. There is little of value here, and few human habitations. Mostly it is home to the Plains Tlaxu, tribal lion-like humanoids who live in complex family groups.

The Khazarate of Vaarta
Vaarta lies across the Tlaxu Steppe from the Empire. It is a land-locked, xenophobic nation, closed to foreigners except for an enclave in the City of Novomsk. Vaarta is sprawling feudal monarchy, with much of the land uninhabited or wild. An austere state religion dominates the people but despite this there are Volkolaki wolf-people in the wild woods and blood-drinking Domoyavna in the cities. Vaarta draws upon the cold winter of Russian fairy tales.

Mopendor lies on the far north of Perfection, and is a mysterious land to most citizens. Small islands and reefs guard the coasts, and thick jungle covers the lowland and prevents penetration to the interior. Here, on a high plateau, civilised Tlaxu rule a cruel queendom dominated by the funerary cult of Daxa, and the hunting of intelligent prey for sport.