The Journal of Rishta Vallans documents the adventures and misadventures of a Merchant's League Agent as he travels through the Anhui States, in the 63rd regnal year of Emperor Received Wisdom. Each installment (to be published on a roughly monthly basis) will serve as an introduction to the various places along the river.

Map by Bob Hall. Visit his homepage here

Select a chapter:

  1. The Racecourse, Llaza.
    • 'Matoo are normally slow and peaceful creatures, which doesn't make for the most entertaining spectacle, but if you don't feed them for a couple of days they'll do anything to get their hands on a pile of fruit.'

      Featuring Llaza Races and Salsham'ai.

  2. Ashoyin.
    • '"They say it's warm in Dronistor this time of year," said the server as he handed over the pastries, and winked theatrically. I sighed inwardly. Cloak and dagger wannabes I can do without.'

      Featuring On The Road.

  3. Tibrafes.
    • 'My employers aren't known to be great romantics. Money and power is more their style, and they have a string of yen where their hearts should be.'

      Featuring Social Status and Money.

  4. Nirhamsa.
    • 'The Celestial Emperor, Guide of Heaven, Lord of the Four Suns and the Four Corners, was leaving behind the innocence of childhood..., the same as he did every year when spring turned to summer.'

      Featuring Bathhouses and Frog Salt.

  5. Thellingerstan.
    • 'It isn't often you meet an eagle well-versed in interrogation techniques.'

      Featuring Magic in the Empire.

  6. Hills of Niranim.
    • 'Dhalooth and I were now following unpaved tracks beyond the remit of the elephant god and into the wilds of the bamboo forests of upland Nirhamsa.'

      Featuring Mountain Tlaxu and Shapeshifters.

  7. Kronlordan.
    • 'Locally produced cloth hung in great swaths from the ceiling in a myriad of colours, like the dressing for a parade of one of the more insane Emperors.'

      Featuring Vugs and Kunubara.

  8. Tibra's Crossing.
    • ' of those recurring historical themes whereby a successful defensive campaign leads optimistically yet foolishly to an unsuccessful offensive campaign.'

      Featuring Plains Tlaxu and Lake of the Flaming Spear.

  9. Beltavia Keep.
    • '... despite his ancestors having been driven from the country by the threat of a slow and painful death at the hands of religious persecutors.'

      Featuring Khazarate of Vaarta.

  10. The Wasted Lands.
    • 'Had it not been for the extensive arsenal of weaponry about her person, she could have passed for a dockside floozy in Llaza...'

      Featuring Medicine and Disease.

  11. Nyerdhan.
    • ' reputation preceded me, it seemed, but I didn't like the smirk on the official's face as he related this to me.'

      Featuring Durdrn and Fnoi Province.

  12. Epilogue
    • 'A reveler who had started early was noisily vomiting onto the League House steps - a political statement that I heartily agreed with.'

      Featuring The Green Dragon and Calendar.


Volume 2

Map of the Anhui States
Tibra's Crossing
Lake of the Flaming Spear
Beltavia Keep
Wasted Lands
Fnoi Province

Merchant's League
Dragon Scales
Llaza Races
On The Road
Social Status
Frog Salt
Magic in the Empire
Mountain Tlaxu
Plains Tlaxu
Khazarate of Vaarta
Medicine and Disease
The Green Dragon